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Worlds Away (The Interstellar Age Book 3)
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Worlds Away
The Interstellar Age Book 3
by Valmore Daniels
This is purely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This book may not be re-sold or given away without permission in writing from the author. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, or distributed in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means past, present or future.
Copyright © 2013 Valmore Daniels. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-927560-01-3
Edited by: Derek Prior
Images: © innovari - Fotolia.com
Also Available:
The Interstellar Age
Forbidden the Stars
Music of the Spheres
Worlds Away
Fallen Angels
Angel Fire
Angel’s Breath
Earth Angel (TBR)
Angel Tears (TBR)
Angel of Darkness (TBR)
Visit ValmoreDaniels.com
Table of Contents
01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05
06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10
11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15
16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25
26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35
36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40
41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45
46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50
About the Author
Also Available
Quiriguá :
Guatemala :
Long Count: :
It had been seven days since I began my warrior’s trial, and I feared I would not succeed in my quest. I would either be captured by the Q’eqchi’, the northern tribe, or I would spend the remaining days of my life shamed by my failure. I would not be Subo Ak, the warrior; I would be Subo Ak, the unworthy.
The only way I could return to my people, the Ch’orti’, with any dignity was to bring back a trophy.
For the past two days, I had been scouting the forests south of Quiriguá, waiting to catch one of their warriors out alone. I would kill him and take something of his to prove my victory. My hope was to find a warrior who had many kills of his own. He would have tattoos showing his conquests; his skin would be a suitable prize, and might gain me enough status to obtain a wife. I had seen Ysalane smiling at me whenever I passed near…
The Q’eqchi’ warriors, however, only went out on patrol in numbers, and they never strayed from their party. They were very disciplined; it was no wonder their tribe had grown so large over the past generation.
They had invaded our lands many times in the past, killed our men or captured them for sacrifice, stolen our women, and burned our crops. My brother, Atal Ak, died from a spear wound during one such raid a year ago. Since then, I have been dreaming of joining the warrior caste and avenging my brother.
We have many story stones that tell of a time when the Q’eqchi’ paid tribute to the kings of Copán, when we had been their overlords. That had ended many generations ago when the king of Quiriguá captured our last great king, Uaxaclajuun Ub’aah K’awiil, and took his head. The Q’eqchi’ have harassed us for more than a hundred years since then.
Now, Copán is but a shadow of its former glory, and we struggle for our very survival. My village, east of Copán city, has seen our numbers dwindle more every year. We have suffered from poor harvests, sparse hunting, and raids from the Q’eqchi’.
One day, the Ch’orti’ will become powerful again, and all tribes in the world will make the pilgrimage to Copán to offer their tribute.
It was my desire.
Before I could help restore power to my people, I had to achieve honor for myself. At this point, I would have attempted an attack on two, or even three of their warriors. I was desperate.
I decided to head east where the forest thickened. Perhaps I needed a better spot to wait for my prey. As I stood to go, I heard the snap of a branch behind me.
Spear in my hand, I turned, ready for combat. Had a warrior crept up behind me? Had I turned from the hunter into the hunted?
A laugh escaped my lips when I saw a dark-feathered turkey a distance away. It was walking through the brush, its head bobbing and jerking while it foraged.
My stomach rumbled. I had not hunted game since I arrived at Quiriguá, and I was down to the last bit of meat in my pack. If I were weakened from hunger, I would never last in a match against a single Q’eqchi’ warrior, let alone two or three.
The turkey did not see me. It was my lucky day.
Silently, I lowered my spear to the ground, picked up my atlatl, and placed a long dart in the shaft.
Stepping carefully to avoid any fallen branches that would alert the turkey to my presence, I got as close as I could to the bird. Taking aim, I flung the dart at my prey, and cursed as the tip hit the dirt in front of the turkey.
It immediately took flight. In the confines of the forest, however, it didn’t have enough room to get any height. Several times, it was forced to land after swerving to avoid the trunk of a tree.
I gave chase, picking up my spear and my pack as I ran after the bird. If I got close enough, I could try to throw another dart at it.
We were nearing the edge of the wooded area. I knew that once the turkey reached the plain, it could fly faster than I could run. When I saw it hit a tree with a wing, and lose balance, I knew it was my best and last opportunity.
Dropping everything except my atlatl, I quickly loaded another dart and let it fly.
This time my aim was true, and the dart hit the turkey through the upper part of its wing. It would not be able to fly from me now. Though it tried to run, the dart in its wing unbalanced it, and slowed it down.
Drawing my knife from my belt, I ran to the bird and jumped on it. My first strike missed its throat, slicing instead into the meat of its breast. My second cut found its mark, and I held the bird down as it died.
The turkey made a terrible noise in its death throes, however. Several Q’eqchi’ warriors, who had been following a path through the woods, heard the sounds and ran to investigate.
I saw them and felt a moment of panic. If I stayed to fight them, they would overwhelm me. They would either kill me or drag me back to Quiriguá for sacrifice.
If I ran, I would only prove that I was a coward, and unfit to be a warrior of the Ch’orti’.
A plan came to me, and I only had a moment in which to act.
Leaving the dead turkey where it was, and the dart still sticking through its wing, I picked up my spear, hurried a distance away, and crouched behind a thick copse of bush.
The warriors would know the turkey had been killed by a hunter; they would most likely be able to identify the dart as one of Ch’orti’ design. Their first thought would be that their enemy had decided to flee.
With any luck, they would split up in their search for me. I would then follow one of them. When I saw my chance, I would ambush him.
I waited, daring to raise my head above the top of the bush to see what the warriors were doing.
A few more moments passed, and I still had not heard the sounds of their pursuit. Clutching my spear in both hands, I crept out from behind the bush and searched for them. They were nowhere to be seen.
Puzzled, I returned to the spot where I had killed the turkey, careful to remain as silent as I could. The bird remained undisturbed, and I chanced to move through the woods to the path.
I could not believe my eyes when I
finally spotted the four warriors. They were running back to their city. Cowards!
Still trying to figure out what had caused them to flee, I turned around, intending to return to the turkey and claim my dinner.
A shadow crept across the path in front of me, and I looked skyward, expecting to see an eagle or some other bird of prey circling as if it had sensed my earlier kill.
It was not a bird, however. I felt cold fear grip my bowels.
One of the story stones at Copán foretold a time when the sun would fall from the sky and burn the world.
For the span of a heartbeat, I believed it was happening right then. Then I realized it was not the sun, but an impossibly bright ball of light streaking across the afternoon sky.
I remembered one of our elders, Yax Kuk, who spoke often of the gods of the sky. On clear nights, sometimes you could see them as they traveled on the backs of firebirds. Once in my lifetime, I witnessed such an event. A thin line of light cut its way across the evening sky, as if one of the stars tried to slice through the blanket of night.
Now, however, the ball of light was much larger than the one I had seen in my youth. Instead of long tendrils of fire and smoke, there was only a faint sparkling, like cooling embers in a campfire.
Unlike the Q’eqchi’ warriors, who fled in fear of the strange occurrence, I became emboldened when I realized that the object was not passing through the sky; it was going to land in the mountains to the northwest.
If it were indeed a god in his flying boat, then the first human he encountered would be assured a place of honor. That person would become a prophet.
I had to be that person.
With the blessings of a god, I could lead the Ch’orti’, and regain our rightful place as the overlords of all the tribes. I would become king. Subo Ak, savior of all the People.
Thoughts of the turkey and my empty stomach left me as I broke into a run, following the path to the god who had returned to Earth.
Patrol Ship :
Alpha Centauri :
Alex came out of the photonic state to a scene of chaos. Ah Tabai’s Sentinel ship was shaking, and an immense roaring sound filled the passenger compartment.
A klaxon sounded from somewhere, and Alex heard a cry from the other side of the chamber. Michael was on the floor on his side, holding his knee. His face was contorted into a grimace of pain. Kenny and Yaxche were still in their molded seats, hands gripping the sides to keep from being thrown off.
The ship rocked again, and a moment later, the door melted away. Ah Tabai stumbled inside.
“What’s happening?” Kenny asked, his voice desperate.
“We ran into something that exploded and breached our hull, perhaps a mine.” Ah Tabai motioned his hand, encompassing all of them in the room. “We have to get you to the escape pod.”
“Aren’t we back in Sol System?” Alex asked as he carefully got out of the molded chair, keeping one hand on the edge for support.
Nodding, Ah Tabai said, “Yes. Someone was expecting your return. The moment we arrived, we entered a minefield of some kind. We hit one, and it disrupted our computers long enough to prevent us from jumping back into Aetherspace.”
“Kinemetic?” Michael asked. He was still on the floor, gritting his teeth, but it looked as if the pain from his fall was subsiding. He was in a sitting position.
“I don’t think so,” Ah Tabai said. “We have defenses against that. The explosion has damaged our hull. Our Aether Engine is offline. There is a ship approaching, and they will be on us in minutes, well before we can make repairs.” He turned to Alex. “It’s against protocol for us to be here; but to let an un-Emerged society have access to our technology is one of our most serious crimes. We will have to self-destruct. Our escape pod is made with very basic technology; it is your only option. You must hurry.”
Kenny got completely up from his seat, went to assist Michael, and got him to his feet. “Did you try to contact the ship? They could be one of ours.”
“No,” Ah Tabai said. “I ran their signature through your ship’s database. It is not in your records.”
Alex helped Yaxche up. “It could be the same ship—or same people—who came after us four years ago.” It was odd thinking about the span of time. From Alex’s perspective, it had only been a day.
“If so, how did they know we’d be back?” Kenny asked.
Michael, on his feet, though favoring his hurt leg as he let himself be led out of the passenger compartment, said, “Probably doesn’t matter to them. Whoever it was who attacked us before didn’t want our technology; they were already developing their own. I’d guess they’ve been stationed out here all along with orders to intercept any ship that came out of quantum space.”
“Or destroy them. Best way to have a monopoly is to eliminate the competition,” Kenny said, his lips pressing together in a sour expression.
Ah Tabai showed them the way to the belly of the ship, and opened a portal to a small, cramped escape pod. It was a circular chamber, with four seats set into the outer wall facing inward.
“You aren’t coming with us?” Kenny asked.
“No.” Ah Tabai shook his head. “Aliah and I will attempt to return to our system in the command pod—it has a portable Aether engine similar to the one we used for Alex before. We’ll try to come back with another ship—and this time, we’ll be ready for an attack.”
Before heading inside, Alex said, “Won’t they fire on our escape pod?”
“We’ve programmed a trajectory into the pod to take you to the star beacon. The energy field around it should mask you from their sensors. The pod has enough air and liquid nutrients to keep you all alive for several weeks. Alex, you may begin to feel adverse effects by being on Pluto, but you aren’t as sensitive as full Aethers. It won’t be pleasant, but it’s your best chance until we can come back for you. When our ship self-destructs, the Aether shock should disrupt the attacker’s sensors for some time.”
“Ah Tabai,” Alex said, “thank you.”
“No thanks are necessary,” he said. “Just keep yourself alive until we can get back to you.”
With that, Alex crawled into the escape pod and squished himself between Yaxche and Kenny, opposite Michael. Ah Tabai closed the portal behind him as they strapped themselves in.
The four men shared uneasy glances at each other in the dim light from a monitor display that showed life support levels. There weren’t many controls on the pod—obviously, it wasn’t designed as a navigable spacecraft.
“Who do you think it is?” Kenny asked. “The attacker, I mean.”
Michael, looking as if he were still in pain from his fall, said, “Figuring out who chased us out of Sol System four years ago is less important than the fact that they’re still out here, waiting for us.”
“How is that more important?” Kenny asked.
“It means things on Earth have changed. Even though NASA funding had been cut back at the time we left, they would have—at the very least—maintained an unmanned alert station out here on Pluto. The star beacon is the most significant discovery we’ve ever made. It’s hard to believe they’d leave it abandoned. If USA, Inc. maintained a presence here, they wouldn’t adopt a ‘shoot first’ policy. The only reason I can think of that they weren’t here is that some foreign power has taken control of Plutonian space. Perhaps more than that.”
“Foreign power? Wasn’t it an Arab Conglomerates signal that came from that ship that chased us?” Kenny said.
“Signals can be disguised. The truth is, we have no idea who it is. All I can say is the situation on Earth must be dire.”
All through the evacuation to the escape pod, and the discussion while they waited to be launched, Yaxche had remained silent.
“Are you all right?” Alex asked him.
“Ahyah,” the old man said, and offered Alex a reassuring smile. “I am not used to so much excitement.”
“We’ll be fine.” Alex hoped his words would
prove true.
A small chime sounded, and they heard Ah Tabai’s voice. “We’re going to launch the command pod first, to distract the attackers. Once your escape pod is ejected, our ship will begin a one-minute countdown. We’ll wait until the pod is near the star beacon before we enter Aetherflight.”
“We’re all set, here,” Alex said.
A sharp rumbling sound came a few moments later, and Alex assumed that was the command pod with Ah Tabai and Aliah.
Ah Tabai confirmed this when his voice came through the escape pod. “We’re away. They’re firing missiles at us, but they’re far too slow. Our countermeasures have disabled them.”
The four in the escape pod waited anxiously for what seemed like ages, but was more like ten seconds.
“Prepare for launch,” Ah Tabai said, and the entire pod began to shake as the engines propelled them out of the ship.
The pressure suddenly increased, and Alex found himself unable to breath for a few moments until the acceleration leveled out.
“You’re on your way,” Ah Tabai said over the speaker. “Countdown to self-destruct has started.”
As the escape pod’s velocity leveled out, they lost gravity, and Alex saw Kenny go pale—many people became disoriented and nauseated in a weightless environment.
“Thirty seconds,” Ah Tabai said. “There will most likely be an aftershock. You should grab on to something.”
“How are you doing?” Alex asked, and then remembered that he could use his ability to find out for himself. Closing his eyes, he pushed his sight out.
The escape pod was hurtling toward Pluto and the Dis Pater—Sol System’s star beacon. At their current rate, they should arrive in less than five minutes.
In the space around Pluto, the attacking ship was pursuing the command pod. Behind them, Ah Tabai and Aliah’s scout ship drifted slowly away from them.
“Twenty seconds,” Ah Tabai said, then his voice changed pitch. “They’ve fired a torpedo at us. It’s not Aether-based. Their aim is off the mark. But the concussion wave has caused the main Gliesan ship to change direction.”